Improving Irrigation Efficiency

Smart irrigation means much more than just a new sprinkler controller that you can operate from your phone.  Most new smart controllers operate irrigation systems based on the ET rate, providing only the water needed based on the weather.  In order for your smart technology to truly save you water and money, your irrigation system needs to be worthy of such advanced controls.  If you have a broken nozzle or a misaligned sprinkler head, you will still be wasting water and have dry spots in your lawn no matter how fancy your irrigation controller is.

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Irrigation Filtration

Irrigation filtration is necessary depending on the water source for the irrigation system. Some systems are sourced from the city water supply which is very clean while some systems are sourced from irrigation canals and ponds and can have different types of debris and multiple issues requiring filtration.

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Tips to Improve Irrigation Efficiency - Happy Earth Day

There are many elements in an irrigation system that affect performance and efficiency. Some of the components can be complicated like weather sensors and pressure reducers. Other pieces are simple like sprinklers and nozzles. In the spirit of Earth Day and more folks spending time at home, wanting to maintain a healthy landscape while keeping costs down, here are a few tips on what homeowners can do to improve irrigation efficiency and conserve water.

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The Relationship Between Soil and Water in the High Desert

A successful garden is not based on any singular component or attribute of the garden, it is a combination of the many factors that came together to create the garden. It could be the plant stock, seed variety, specialty fertilizer, the perfect exposure of morning sun and afternoon shade, or the aged manure compost amended soil, or just luck. There are so many factors that can influence the success of a garden or landscape that it can be overwhelming to take all of them into consideration so we will focus on the two most important factors: soil and water.

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Molly McDowell