Tips to Improve Irrigation Efficiency - Happy Earth Day

There are many elements in an irrigation system that affect performance and efficiency.  Some of the components can be complicated like weather sensors and pressure reducers.  Other pieces are simple like sprinklers and nozzles.  In the spirit of Earth Day and more folks spending time at home, wanting to maintain a healthy landscape while keeping costs down, here are a few tips on what homeowners can do to improve irrigation efficiency and conserve water. 

Alignment – after installation, sprinklers can settle in the ground, especially if not properly backfilled or if there is a leak of any kind.  It is important that sprinkler is at the right elevation and angle to apply the water as designed.  A sprinkler should be perpendicular to the surface it is irrigating.  If you have irrigation on a sloped site, the sprinklers should be installed at a right angle to the slope in order to irrigate appropriately.  A sprinkler will never be able to do a good job if the sprinkler is sunken or tilted.


Nozzles – nozzles are designed to apply water at a certain rate over a certain distance.  Many nozzles are incorrectly sized and either overspray the target irrigation area or have been adjusted to fit the area which negatively affects the distribution uniformity designed in the nozzles, creating larger droplets of water and creating dry areas.  It is better to install the correct size nozzle for the space instead of making a nozzle fit the space, especially if you are irrigating lawn the uneven application of water will become apparent.  Also, nozzles can get clogged with debris and it is important to inspect and remove any obstructions or replace the nozzles.

The set screw has been dialed down on a rotor to reduce the distance of the stream of water. The nozzle is oversized as it is a 5.0 nozzle and should be replaced with a smaller nozzle to reduce the distance and preserve the uniformity as designed.

The set screw has been dialed down on a rotor to reduce the distance of the stream of water. The nozzle is oversized as it is a 5.0 nozzle and should be replaced with a smaller nozzle to reduce the distance and preserve the uniformity as designed.

Programming – appropriate irrigation programming is essential to the success of an irrigation system.  It is important to inspect the controller programming and make sure it is adequate for your landscape.  A few key notes for irrigation programming:

  1. If water begins to run off of the site or target area, note the time and stop irrigation.  An irrigation cycle should not operate past runoff.  If the landscape still requires more water, program another start time for the zone instead of a longer run time.  With sandy soils and sloped sites, it is important to slow the water down and get it to absorb into the landscape and prevent runoff.

  2. Adjust start times to avoid irrigating during freezing temperatures and avoid irrigation during from 9am to 5pm when the weather is hotter, windier, and the evaporation rate is higher.

  3. Many controllers have a ‘Season %’ feature which allows the program to reduced or increased based on the percentage.  Instead of attempting to adjust each zone run time throughout the season and water needs change, a user can increase or decrease the water application in one simple step.

If you’ve gone through all the steps and want to learn more or if you’d prefer to have a professional make these adjustments for you, contact Water Whys Irrigation today.