Posts in Water
Episode 8 - An Irrigation Puzzle (part 2)

Molly and Drew finish the puzzle but first Drew goes way off track and tells us a story about the Wendy’s chili finger lady. This is the second half of a two part episode.

Visit Hunter Industries to sign up for the Tools of the Trade program to earn cool prizes likes sock, puzzles, and playing cards.

Here’s the image on the 200 piece puzzle we just put together, if you like irrigation and puzzles you need this puzzle in your collection.

Here’s the image on the 200 piece puzzle we just put together, if you like irrigation and puzzles you need this puzzle in your collection.

Episode 7 - An Irrigation Puzzle (part 1)

Molly and Drew start a puzzle, Molly talks about one of her favorite troubleshooting tools, and Drew tells everyone about the time he tried to bring a gun on an airplane. This is part one of a two part episode.

Visit Hunter Industries to sign up for the Tools of the Trade program to get cool prizes like socks and puzzles, and playing cards.

Troubleshooting an existing system that was damaged while a home was being remodeled.  Debris in mainline damaged the flow gauge and had to be replaced after this reading.

Troubleshooting an existing system that was damaged while a home was being remodeled. Debris in mainline damaged the flow gauge and had to be replaced after this reading.

Learn more about HydroRain PVC-Lock fittings HERE

My new flow and pressure gauge, seen here troubleshooting a system, during the peak of the season, that was not getting the pressure or flow needed to operate the existing system.

My new flow and pressure gauge, seen here troubleshooting a system, during the peak of the season, that was not getting the pressure or flow needed to operate the existing system.

Episode 5 - Pressure & Flow (part 1)

In this episode, Molly and Drew share their knowledge of irrigation hydraulics and get distracted along the way with Drew’s exceptional customer service skills, fun plant names, the importance of laughter, and how Drew has disappointed his parents.

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Rosy Pusytoes, Antennaria rosea, prefers dry, sunny areas and is a great choice for rock gardens, learn more on Wikipedia.

Rosy Pusytoes, Antennaria rosea, prefers dry, sunny areas and is a great choice for rock gardens, learn more on Wikipedia.

Episode One - An introduction (part 1)

Molly and Drew are advocates of clean, potable water and talk about how the use of irrigation systems for landscapes often waste water and create other problems.

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