Water Whys Irrigation - Design & Consultation Landscape Services

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Oregon PRS Legislation (Pressure Regulated Sprinklers)

Water Whys Irrigation had an opportunity to be interviewed for an industry magazine regarding recent legislation in Oregon that declares that all sprinklers must contain a pressure regulator starting in 2023.

Pressure regulated sprinklers insure that the head is performing at an ideal, set pressure for optimal performance and distribution uniformity from the nozzle. When water pressure is too high in irrigation systems, the water droplets are forced to move too quickly through the orifice and atomize, causing the water to mist and drift in the air, not landing on the target area.

Read the article: https://irrigationandlighting.org/news/oregon-joins-prs-legislation-list/?fbclid=IwAR3BerzBPJKR59iFD47U4pbZC2ZKo1Wb0FlltakQul0FlOqlGSp_RG_wWLQ